martes, 31 de julio de 2012

adverture time

My body is feeling the move.
my jawbone is moving by itself, 
The universe is in our flow
focus in
Up north is calling us
I call smell it

sábado, 28 de julio de 2012

getting nut

I stat a personal proyect with my body, a litter nut coz I am going to make some moved it in my belly, the idea is to move it and move my hip well no my hip my torso  so expand it and have more waist. after 3 hours of streching. feel nice
It is nice to imagine you coz iI kinos you think I am not nut

See ya in my lucid dreams

lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

buring it

my coccix is moving  side to side.
 my mind is removing all the bad memories, but I need to work hard on it.
Now I undestand the magic that has the words in the person,
There are some that I cant delete, coz it  is still drilling my head.
I need to close some chapter to be able to end that movie running in  my head
To many year of hearing, and repiting and feeling that.
Starting in a new canvas, buying new watercolor.

I dont know whats real or not.

sábado, 21 de julio de 2012

balance my body

My jawbone starts to move by itself, it wants to get in the correct position, I felt  like blowing my sking of the  muscles or  adipose tissue.

lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

sábado, 14 de julio de 2012


The conections was made
 to many coincidences
 If I inhale Life exhale.
 the last picture  represent all what i want to.
 Pure release.

Find the purpose of my life.

jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

taking actions

 Not  only visualizing what I want, taking actions.
 Moving some parts, removing some others. 
Belly breathing and still my  back is in sore.
  Moving on!!!